Cyber Liability Podcast
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The real deal conversation between F. Michael Conte and Michael Honig, partners at Honig Conte Porrino Insurance Agency with offices in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Episode sponsored by our friends at NYB Creative –
Spoofing – Cyber attacks. Are we immune to caring because so many giant companies have been hacked? Is our information already out there? Are you taking steps to protect your email from a cyber attack/intrusion? Do you train your staff about identifying links in emails that might be dangerous?
Small businesses are targets and most vulnerable from cyber attacks. Have you explored Cyber Liability Insurance? Are you aware that the coverage for these exposures are relatively new? Did you know that there is no clear standard for cyber liability insurance language and coverage?
The Michael’s discuss real world stories of issues that clients have faced around cyber liability.
Here is a great guide that we have put together about technology insurance exposures
Do you need Cyber Liability Insurance – Here is a great place to start:
Resources discussed on this podcast or referenced: – Because no one knew the rules of Canasta